The brainchild of founder and creator, Craig McLean, Creatively Active Minds (CAM) is a free spirited, soulful, poetic and often whimsical curator of fine goods and ideas.
Like merchants and traders have done for centuries Craig travels the world in search of old craftsmanship and materials to create unrivaled, passionately inspired products to love and hold for the next generation. Fine porcelain, regal brass and the very best loomed textiles form the base of their general store merchandise ethos. History is CAM's reference and by doing so, they share the world's many archives with a new, modern audience.
Creatively Active Minds are involved in helping children in need through the World Vision sponsor a child program.
CAM Palacio Trinket Box - Gladiolus PALA041
$199.00 AUDCAM Jungle Savon Dish - Botanical JNG082
$139.00 AUDCAM Paradiso Savon Dish - Libelula PARA101
$69.95 AUDCAM Jardiner Savon Dish - Abeille JAR051
$99.00 AUDCAM Ornithology Aviary Birds Royale - Crimson/Gold ORN141
$79.95 AUDCAM Ornithology Aviary Perroquet Royale - Magenta/Gold ORN124G
$139.00 AUDCAM Ornithology Aviary Birds Royale - Indigo/Gold ORN129G
$79.95 AUDCAM Ornithology Aviary Birds Royale - Blanc/Gold ORN144G
$79.95 AUDCAM Ornithology Aviary Birds Royale - Amarilla/Gold ORN143G
$79.95 AUDCAM Ornithology Aviary Perroquet Royale - Ming/Gold ORN142G
$139.00 AUDParadiso Wall Plate - Rhododendron PARA098
$89.95 AUDParadiso Savon Dispenser - Palm PARA004
$189.00 AUDEste Savon Dispenser - Orquidea ESTE038
$189.00 AUDParadiso Savon Dish - Plantano PARA100
$129.00 AUDEntomologie Trinket Box - Mariposa EN058
$219.00 AUDEntomologie Trinket Box - Mariposa EN057
$219.00 AUDJardiner Trinket Box Abeja Powder JAR061
$179.00 AUDCAM Exotico Leopardo Candle Holder EX050
$359.00 AUDCAM Archivo Elefante Trinket Box ARCH023
$229.00 AUDCAM Archipelago Royale Elephant Book Ends ARC078
$399.00 AUDCAM Paradiso Libelula Savon Dish PARA079
$69.95 AUDCAM Este Palm Vino Brass Bucket ESTE017VS
$529.00 AUDCAM Jungle Palma Votive Holder JNG102VSG
$369.00 AUDCAM Oriente Pina Bottle Opener ORT013VSG
$89.95 AUDCAM Jungla Jaguar Porcelain Stool JNG111
$1,395.00 AUDCAM Archivo Tropica Porcelain Vase ARCH041
$449.00 AUDCAM Archivo Elefante Trinket Box ARCH038
$199.00 AUD...
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